Montessori Procedures & Practices

Montessori Procedures & Practices
The Montessori Society’s Code of Ethics
All staff members of The International Montessori School/Erbil are required that to comply with the AMS Code of Ethics.
In pledging to accept the AMS Code of Ethics, international Montessori School/Erbil faculty members agree that they will strive to conduct themselves professionally and personally in ways that reflect their respect for one other and for the children they serve; and that they will do whatever is within their talents and capacity to protect the right of each child to have the freedom and opportunity to develop his or her full potential.
Principle I - Commitment to the Student
In fulfillment of the obligation to the children, the educator—
1. shall encourage independent action in the pursuit of learning;
2. shall protect the opportunity to provide for participation in educational programs without regard to race, sex, color, creed, or national origin;
3. shall protect the health and safety of students;
4. shall honor professional commitments and maintain obligations and contracts while never soliciting nor involving students or their parents in schemes for commercial gain;
5. shall keep in confidence information that has been secured in the course of professional service, unless disclosure serves professional purposes or is required by law.
Principle II - Commitment to the Public
The Montessori educator shares in the responsibility for developing policy relating to the extension of educational opportunity for all and for interpreting educational programs and policies to the public.
In fulfilling these goals, the educator—
1. shall support the American Montessori Society principles and not misrepresent its policies in public discussion. Whenever speaking or writing about policies, the educator should take the precaution of distinguishing private views from the official position of the Society.
2. shall not interfere with nor exploit the rights and responsibilities of colleagues within the teaching profession.
Principle III - Commitment to the Profession
The Montessori educator makes efforts to raise professional standards and conditions to attract persons worthy of trust to careers in Montessori education.
In fulfilling these goals, the educator—
1. shall extend just and equitable treatment to all members of the Montessori education profession;
2. shall represent his or her own professional qualification with clarity and true intent;
3. shall apply for, accept, offer, recommend, and assign professional positions and responsibilities on the basis of professional preparation and legal qualifications;
4. shall use honest and effective methods of administering duties, use of time, and conducting business.
International Montessori School/Erbil agrees with and adheres to this code of ethics and expects all staff members to do so as well. We also expect all staff to show proficient knowledge of the International Montessori School/ Erbil mission, vision and educational programs.
Professional Educator’s Responsibility
In addition to the American Montessori Society’s code of ethics, the International Montessori School/Erbil faculty is also expected to adhere and adopt the fundamental practices and responsibilities of a professional educator. These practices include:
Respect for the Child: includes a positive, optimistic attitude about children, a cooperative spirit, a nurturing of independence, a recognition of unique individuality, trust in the child’s work, finding the right activity and listening to and observing in order to follow the child. One should avoid pride and anger, speaking ill of the child, sarcasm, teasing, over-reacting to misbehavior, and implied reward and punishment. One should be sensitive to the child’s desire to be held or touched. When making presentations, the child’s interest level should be considered so that one stops before the child tires. Phrasing or instructions should be direct and to the point. When communicating with the child, come down to the child’s height.
Confidentiality: includes personal information about children and families, organizational problems, and individual faculty matters. All records, files, conversations and conferences are held for the benefit of the child and are strictly confidential
Preparation of the Environment: includes developing a complete Montessori program, caring for the environment including animals, plants, and Montessori materials, and initiating change in order to provide new stimulation.
Parent Education: includes the dissemination of Montessori principles, recognition of parents as primary educators, accessibility of information regarding individual children, and communication about general classroom activities.
Good Staff Relations: include working and socializing cooperatively; remaining non-judgmental of staff; demonstrating trust and respect; maximizing communication through staff meetings, celebrating holiday events, program support, and school-wide projects. Malicious comments, gossip, and other harmful behaviors should be ignored and suppressed.
Professional Improvement: includes upgrading skills, participation in Montessori workshops, keeping abreast of current educational developments, and open-mindedly seeking ways to improve teaching techniques and the classroom environment.
Problem Solving: includes discussing problems with the person who can make the change that is needed or seeking reasons why the change cannot be made. Someone acting in an assertive way makes clear, direct, non-apologetic statements about his/her expectations and feelings, criticizes in a descriptive, rather than a judgmental way, persists in following through on issues even if she/he meets resistance, listens to others’ views respectfully, and negotiates and compromises.
Professional Conduct: includes keeping private affairs outside of the workplace, maintaining agreements at all levels regarding performance of duties, being sensitive to the needs of individual children and staff, directing concerns to the appropriate party, abiding by the regulations and policies of the school, and supporting the mission of International Montessori School/Erbil.